Hello, Welcome!
We’re DnB Thailand,
We’re 4 friends (Ben, Jack & Indi) united by a love for Drum & Bass and we’re on mission to help 174bpm travellers find the best events in Thailand.
We’ve personally met with promoters, managers, DJ’s, artists & venues up and down the country to unite the scene and connect you with what’s happening so that you never miss out on these incredible experiences.
Essentially, we’re the DnB directory you didn’t know you needed.
Let's support our scene. We’re all in this together.
Stay Safe & Happy Raving,
The DnB Thailand Team x
Follow us on socials to stay updated & find the next events.
The story of how it all started...
( Chaotically narrated by our cofounder BEN )
Our Team

Co-founder & Pro side-quester, he's one of the most enthusiastic people in the crowd, throwing shapes & making friends. The rest of the time he's working on partnerships & community building.

Co-founder & CCO (Chief Chaos Organiser), keeps us all sane and on track with our mission, website & posting schedule, utilising her big girl business brain.

Co-founder & DJ Lindz, can be found both in the crowds and behind the decks, bringing his love for drums to some of the biggest parties and line-ups in thailand.